Hi Welcome to Love Academy Worldwide (LAW of the Universe)

Welcome to Love Academy Worldwide! I am thrilled that you have chosen to join us and I am excited to witness your journey towards self-discovery, inner peace and unending love.

As a Manifestation, Love and Life Coach, Spiritual healer and Medium, I am blessed to work with people every day as they take steps towards unleashing their magnificence. And today, is the first step in what will be a transformative and life-changing adventure for you. Today marks the beginning of your path to discover love, success, joy and your soul’s true purpose.

The teachings that we offer at Love Academy Worldwide, come straight from Source. Meaning that messages received by me come directly from channelling with the Universe, Mother Earth, Sun and Moon, Buddha as well as guidance from angels, ancestors and ascended masters.

We have a whole team of celestial bodies who utilise my light to connect with as many of Earth’s children as possible. Their mission, and mine, is to assist in raising the vibration of Earth from fear based low frequency to love based high frequency. In order for us to do this, we need to realise our own potential to love, lead, heal and transform. And that is where you come in.

So, here we go. Are you ready to change your world for the better?

Available Courses/services

Boundless Healing Supporting Course

Module 1 - Must Watch After Purchase

The videos included in this module are essential to understanding how healing works, and they help guide on opening your receiving portal.  This is a crucial step preparing to receive healing energy directly from the Universe and Angel Teams. Once you book your session date and time, you will be provided with a log in to our learning portal.

Module 2 - Spiritual Gifts from the Universe and the Divine Beings 

Before we go, here are some extra bonus gifts from the whole healing team to you - bonus videos and teachings from the divine beings who support and love you. You do not have to watch those if you are too busy or you feel they aren’t your cup of tea.  These gifts are just a little extra thank you, designed to help you to deepen your connection with Source and create calm and balance in your everyday life:

  • How to receive unconditional love from the Universe and angels
  • How to Meditate and Connect with Your angels
  • How to meditate and connect with the Universe
  • How to meditate and connect with Mother Earth
  • All about receive healing from Mother Earth
  • Healing from the Sun
  • Healing from the Moon
  • All about receiving healing from Mother Earth
  • Qigong Energy Excercise

FREE Guidebook: 3 Simple Steps to Manifestation

Hello beautiful soul and welcome to your learning portal and resource centre! Here is where you can access all of your resources, workbooks, videos and downloads.

Want to download our FREE resources here?  Just Sign Up NOW, it is all yours, for FREE! 

FREE Guidebook: 3 Simple Steps to Manifestation

Are you ready to manifest the life you have always wanted?

We have all heard of the Law of Attraction but do you really know what is involved in attracting all that you desire? The truth is, all of the best manifesters know that it comes down to strengthening their relationship with the Universe... and you can do this too! In this easy to follow short-course, you will learn the Love Academy Worldwide secrets to manifesting, that people all over the world use to call upon their ideal partner, dream career, their perfect home – you name it. This course will help you build a strong, and lifelong connection with Source that will serve you for years to come!

FREE Guidebook: Is he/she the one? 20 powerful questions to ask yourself before you commit

Hello beautiful soul and welcome to your learning portal and resource centre! Here is where you can access all of your resources, workbooks, videos and downloads.

Want to download our FREE resources here?  Just Sign Up NOW, it is all yours, for FREE! 

FREE Guidebook: Is he/she the one? 20 Powerful questions to ask yourself before you commit

Is he/she the one?

The trouble is, we often do not find the answer to this question until it’s too late. But not anymore. Here at Love Academy Worldwide, we have come up with the crucial 20 Questions that everyone must ask before they commit to someone. These questions will help you ascertain if this person is a keeper or a time-waster and whether they are in it for the right reasons or if you are better off cutting ties. If you are currently single, these questions are about to help you break old habits and form a fresh foundation to attract the right person into your life.

FREE Guidebook: Uncover the secrets for long-lasting and powerful relationships

Hello beautiful soul and welcome to your learning portal and resource centre! Here is where you can access all of your resources, workbooks, videos and downloads.

Want to download our FREE resources here?  Just Sign Up NOW, it is all yours, for FREE! 

FREE Guidebook: Understand the six basic human needs, uncover the secret for long lasting and passionate relationship. 

What are the basic needs in a relationship?

What are advanced needs?

And what impact do they have on a long-lasting relationship?

This short course is designed to unpack the universal hierarchy of needs and allow a deeper understanding how to navigate them to better your relationship now, and into the future.

FREE Guidebook: Self-healing techniques you can use at home

Hello beautiful soul and welcome to your learning portal and resource centre! Here is where you can access all of your resources, workbooks, videos and downloads.

Want to download our FREE resources here?  Just Sign Up NOW, it is all yours, for FREE! 

FREE Guidebook: Self-Healing Technique You Can Use at Home

This short course is the ideal introduction into the techniques that anyone can master to heal themselves from the comfort of their own home. If you have been suffering from anxiety, mild illness, or feeling ‘out of sync’ then these techniques will clear away the cobwebs and reveal what was there all along… your innate ability to heal yourself.

Loving Yourself and Being Magnificent

Over the next nine weeks (including your exclusive bonus content) you will learn how to distinguish between your body and soul, how to combat self-sabotage and the limitations of your own mind. You will discover the secrets to the Law of Attraction, how to set healthy boundaries and how to manifest like a pro, awakening your soul’s purpose and becoming the architect of your dream life!

Each week you will have access to a new module, giving you time and freedom to complete your homework at your leisure. To start with we will address your motivations for taking the course and the results that you are after – because as any powerful manifester will tell you, unless you say, it you can’t create it!

Emotional Mastery Program

Over the next nine weeks (including your exclusive bonus content) you will learn how to distinguish between your body and soul, how to combat self-sabotage and the limitations of your own mind. You will discover the secrets to the Law of Attraction, how to set healthy boundaries and how to manifest like a pro, awakening your soul’s purpose and becoming the architect of your dream life!

Each week you will have access to a new module, giving you time and freedom to complete your homework at your leisure. To start with we will address your motivations for taking the course and the results that you are after – because as any powerful manifester will tell you, unless you say, it you can’t create it!

My Courses/services Available Courses/services
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