My Story

Together we are on a mission altering the frequency on Earth

To master your magnificence

And help you manifest the life of your dreams.


Hi, I’m Christy

I am a Manifestation, Love and Life Coach, and a Spiritual Healer, Medium and Lightworker, who’s passionate about showing people that they DO have the power to create what they want.  I am committed to showing you that you are worthy and deserving of a meaningful, rewarding, and happy life. A life filled with joy, and a real, soulful love. 

I am the chosen one by the Universe and Mother Earth to walk with you, side by side, on this mission to unlock your biggest potential, your truth, and your soul’s unique purpose.  I have been blessed to have found my calling; to guide and serve you with love, compassion, and authenticity. 

Now it’s your turn. Are you ready to uncover your truth, your potential, and ultimate purpose?

Let’s do this!

Click here to enrol in Loving Yourself and Being Magnificent – your 9-week ultimate step-by-step Mastermind class for finding your soul’s true purpose, uncovering the secret of how the Universe works, and manifesting the life of your dreams.


I know what it is like to struggle, unsure of where I fit in the world.

Life doesn’t always feel easy, and I know this firsthand.

When I was five years old, living in mainland China, my family was forced to leave our hometown in order to find jobs and I was placed in the care of my grandparents. There I was, a lost, scared and lonely little girl, feeling misunderstood and wondering if anyone would ever love me again. But my challenges didn’t stop there. When I was 16, I moved cities to attend university. I was alone and terrified, and because of what I had experienced as a little girl, I had built a wall around my heart to protect me. I thought I could prove to my family just how brave I was, but I had never felt so alone. And so, when I was 20, I moved again – this time, across continents to Australia, a country where I did not know a single person, let alone the language. But, being the perfect overachiever, I survived. Sure, my parents were proud, and thanks to the walls I had built to protect myself, I was able to adapt to my new environment. However, my journey was paved with loneliness. And later, tragedy.

Surviving is different to thriving.

Years later, I now know that life doesn’t have to be this way.  I have learned to allow people into my life and how to accept the love and compassion that I deserve. I have worked to heal the little girl inside, who felt so unloved and forgotten. And I have learned that the Universe always has my back.

Most importantly, I have discovered my own power and how to love myself unconditionally. I have uncovered my potential and unlocked the secrets to manifesting the life that little girl, all those years ago, could only dream about. I have discovered the secrets to realizing my magnificence… and now, I want the same for you.

I’ve got your back.

What if you could tap into the universal consciousness, and awaken your higher self? What if you could discover the secrets to unending love and happiness whilst manifesting a life you never thought possilbe? And what if I told you that these gifts already exist inside of you, and they are just waiting to be unearthed?

I’ve walked this path and it is now my role to help you discover yours.


What I have manifested since decoding the Universe?

  Financial freedom

  • I purchased my first property at the age of 29 whilst going through a challenging divorce
  • Turned it cashflow positive by the age of 30
  • By the age of 31, I had my purchased my second property and by the time I was 33, I had created a multi-million property portfolio generating a passive income of over $50K p/a.


Unconditional love

  • After my first marriage ended, I learned how to love myself unconditionally, how to access forgiveness, and set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • I manifested a new love with my dream man and every morning I get to wake up beside my favorite person in the world – I still pinch myself that this is my life!
  • I manifested our wedding and planned it in less than 10 days. Ceremony, music, wedding dress, flowers, photography, videography – you name it. Despite being in a new city and knowing only my partner’s family, it was the fairytale wedding that every girl fantasizes about. Everything was simply perfect.


Dreams to reality

  • I manifested our current home, in a dream location, minutes from the CBD, with exquisite views and birdsong as the soundtrack to my mornings.
  • I am blessed to have the best kind of friendships and support network. Now, the people who surround me, nurture, and guide me, do so with fun, love, and understanding
  • And believe it or not, I have manifested the most incredible relationship with the mother of my ex-husband! Her love and compassion transcend family bounds and she has become my best friend and confidant.


Following my life’s purpose

  • By connecting with my soul’s purpose, I have been able to create the life I once only dreamed of. I live every day guided by the laws of the Universe and unconditional love
  • After spending most of my career in finance and corporate roles, I am now doing what I was put on this Earth to do – I have stepped into my power, and it feels amazing!
  • And even in these chaotic and crazy times, through the discoveries I have made about myself and the Universe, I am always able to center myself, creating a space of inner peace and love.


You can achieve this too

Because Love Academy is about YOU!  

I could go on for hours about how these secrets and discoveries have changed my life. But this is no longer about me. Because you can achieve all of this and more.  I am merely the messenger chosen by the Universe to reflect their power and work.  And everything that I have learned, you can learn too. It’s my role to teach you how.

Let’s unlock your unbelievable, fearless, and never-ending potential!

It’s your time to shine.

I also remember what it’s like to feel utterly hopeless.

My path towards becoming a Manifestation, Love and Life Coach, and a Spiritual Healer was anything but linear. With a Master of Commerce, I worked in the corporate world for over a decade.

However, I knew deep down that there was a higher calling. There was more to my life than simply going through the motions.

Then, tragedy struck. I lost my both my mother and brother to suicide. My life completely changed. I began searching for answers. “Why is this happening to me?” “What on Earth could the Universe be trying to teach me?” In the wake of such pain, I felt completely hopeless.  

It was then that my spiritual journey began, delving deeper into decoding the secrets of the Universe. I knew that for me to gain the answers I needed, I had to heal, connect, and learn how to truly love and be loved again – and then share my discoveries with the world.

The love, energy, light, knowledge, and teachings that I’ve been able to access come directly from the Universe and Mother Earth.  And today, as a Manifestation, Love and Life Coach, and a Spiritual Healer, I share heart-led and soulful courses, training programs, and resources with those who are willing to change their lives for the better.

It is my soul duty to help initiate a Spiritual Awakening Movement around the world. My deepest desire is to help you – and many just like you – to gain the strength, lightness, and clarity you need to learn how to manifest anything you want, no matter what those things may be.

Sending you so much love and light from the Universe, Mother Earth, and me. 

Christy x 


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