Our Mission & Why

Why I created Love Academy Worldwide

One of the reasons I have created Love Academy Worldwide is because LOVE is the answer for everything. 

Love is the answer to fear, pain, hatred, anger, resentment, loss, grief, worry, frustration, blame, jealousy, doubt, guilt and unhappiness. 

When people learn how to love themselves, they gain access to the love that serves them and they are able to build a family with a foundation of love. Their children will grow knowing they are loved, and, in turn, pass that loving knowledge down to each generation that follows them.  If all the families around the world learned the gift of love, there will be no fighting, no anger, no war.  There would be only peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness.  That is the world I want my future children to live in and that is the world I want to leave when I walk this earth for the very last time.


The Love Academy Worldwide’s Mission

Love Academy Worldwide, also stands for "LAW", representing the "LAW of the Universe".  The Universe has guided me to created this name from very first steps, I will share with you all in a different story. :) 

Right now, the world around us is asleep in a not-so-blissful ignorance.  But little by little we are starting to witness glimpses of the utopia that we know is possible. You, yourself may have noticed similar synchronicities, signs, and signals that you can’t quite explain… it is these little messages from your angels that have brought you to this very point.

By altering the frequency on Earth, from fear-based low frequency to love-based high frequency together, we can invoke a Spiritual Awakening Movement around the globe, guiding everyone to align with who they truly are, find their true purpose, and why they have chosen to be alive at this moment in history.

By healing, teaching, inspiring, empowering, and coaching people through their own journey, I can help uncover the secret of how the Universe works.   The secret that empowers us all to align with our authentic selves, to create a life that attracts the love, joy, and happiness we all deserve.


The Universe Works in Ways That We CAN Understand

It’s often said that God – or Source, or The Universe, or whatever you’d like to call the higher consciousness that determines our paths – works in mysterious ways.

These ways, however, don’t have to be shrouded in mystery.

There are ways of decoding the messages from the Universe, and I have been blessed to have been shown them. Voltaire once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”, and it is my role in this life to teach, inspire, and coach you with this knowledge to help you learn how to heal spiritually, how to align yourself with your true purpose, and how to manifest your magnificence.


The Universe is what led you to this moment, this webpage, and the knowledge that you deserve more. If you’ll have me, I’ll be honored to lead the way to spiritual, emotional, and never-ending love through the endless power of the Universe.


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