Boundless Healing Supporting Course

Hi beautiful soul, thank you for your interest to find out more about our Boundless Healing Sessions.  This course is a supporting course for the Boundless Healing Sessions we are offering.  Want to learn more about our Boundless Healing Sessions with the Universe, please check here

Module 1 - Must Watch After Purchase

The videos included in this module are essential to understanding how healing works, and they help guide on opening your receiving portal.  This is a crucial step preparing to receive healing energy directly from the Universe and Angel Teams. Once you book your session date and time, you will be provided with a log in to our learning portal.

  • Welcome and Introduction about boundless healing sessions
  • How to shift your energy and raise your vibration
  • During healing session night prayer and morning gratitude
  • Self-healing techniques - after the healing sessions are completed

Module 2 - Spiritual Gifts from the Universe and the Divine Beings 

Before we go, here are some extra bonus gifts from the whole healing team to you - bonus videos and teachings from the divine beings who support and love you. You do not have to watch those if you are too busy or you feel they aren’t your cup of tea.  These gifts are just a little extra thank you, designed to help you to deepen your connection with Source and create calm and balance in your everyday life:

  • How to receive unconditional love from the Universe and angels
  • How to meditate and connect with Your angels
  • How to meditate and connect with the Universe
  • How to meditate and connect with Mother Earth
  • All about receive healing from Mother Earth
  • Healing from the Sun
  • Healing from the Moon
  • All about receiving healing from Mother Earth
  • Qigong energy excercise

3 Modules

Module 1 - Must Watch After Purchase

Here will include the must watch videos after your purchase your boundless healing sessions.  

It is crucial to watch those videos before Boundless Healing Sessions started.  Just picture sending the healing energy like sending signals through radio station, it needs both side of the radio station to turn on in order for the signal to be fully received. 

Module 2 - Spiritual Gifts from the Universe and the Divine Beings

Get ready to receive the spiritual gifts from the Universe, Mother Earth, the Sun and the Moon.  

- Learn how to receive unconditional love from the Universe and your angel groups

- Learn how to meditate and connecting with your angels and guides

- Learn how to grounding with Mother Earth

- Learn the best place and ways to receive healing from Mother Earth

- Learn how to meditate and connecting with the Universe

- Learn how  to connect and receive healing from the Sun

- Learn how to connect and receive healing from the Moon

- Qigong Energy Excercise demonstration

Modules for this courses/service 3
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