Our Core Values

A Business Built on Love

Our Core Values


This business is built on a cornerstone of love.

And love, is what powers The Love Academy Worldwide’s values:


  • Spirituality, Enlightenment and Peace

We believe in the body-mind-spirit connection. We believe humans are spiritual beings having a physical experience, so we recognize the spiritual nature of life, death, health, and healing. We openly acknowledge a higher power and divine presence, irrespective of what name may resonate: God, Buddha, the Tao, I Ching, Holy Spirit, the light, source, the soul, the higher self, the higher power, the Universe, all interpretations are welcome here. We embrace prayer, meditation, divine inspiration, intuition, and the great mystery of life.


  • Consciousness and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is more than stillness. It comes with a responsibility to stop and think about how our words, actions, or deeds will affect those around us. To be mindful, means to “wish no harm”, to be fully aware of the intended and unintended consequences of our actions, and to act with integrity and accountability. To be mindful is to be committed to kindness wherever, whenever possible. My courses and techniques will help you embrace the present moment, and to access the happiness that comes from being completely conscious of the strengths and power you already possess.


  • Service To Humanity

Being of service to humanity as a whole, is a service is based on love – for a higher power, regardless of gender, race, or religion.  We are all capable of love, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion. We are all one. Mahatma Gandhi inspired national movement when he declared: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.  Through Love Academy you will learn powerful teachings that will not only benefit you, but all of those who you encounter.   


  • Authenticity and Integrity

It takes strength of character and integrity to make decisions based on personal conviction rather than popular opinion. Living in integrity means you value honesty, commitment, and trustworthiness, and are committed to embracing your authentic self. Through your actions you inspire trust and loyalty in others.

 “Knowing thyself” is what allows you to monitor and modify your behavior so that you are more aligned with your purpose and can inspire others to live by the same principles.

Self-awareness is knowing who and what you truly are, as opposed to how other people and society define you. Your values, your passions, and your beliefs help guide the compass with which you can navigate life.

Authenticity and integrity are essential ingredients for living a life of happiness and emotional freedom. Perhaps the simple act of being who you are and living your life as a daring and radiant being is the greatest accomplishment of all.


Live with integrity by daring to be authentic. Dare to be true; dare to be you.


  • Inspiration and Influence

To inspire is to offer something valuable; to uplift others and motivate them to bring out the best in themselves and those around them.  To be inspirational is to lead by example and encourage others to empowered to make their own mark on the world.

Maya Angelou said it best: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

At The Love Academy Worldwide we want you not only to be inspired, but we wish to influence your actions, to develop mindset changes, behavior changes, and develop new skills and habits, thus, creating a different future for yourself. 


  • Warmth and Trustworthiness

“I have your back” –Christy Feng!   

I have been where you are before, I have been alone, confused and lost, feeling as though I have no purpose and doubting my place in the world. I have had my heart broken, I have suffered great tragedy, I have lost all hope.  I really understand how hard the journey can be at times, the loneliness and the despair - because I have been there myself.  

But trust me, as hard as it may feel sometimes, this too shall pass. Whatever you are feeling right now, you will not be stuck feeling this forever. One day, time will heal all your wounds, your pain, anguish and tears and they will become your badges of honor – showing that you are stronger than you ever gave yourself credit for.  

“There’s a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen.

These struggles will one day transform into lessons and when that happens the Universe will reward you with the most miraculous gift you can ever imagine.  You will transform, stronger, more resilient, courageous, and forgiving, and you will feel hope again. Better still your eyes will be open to the miracles surrounding you and your heart to the love that has been awaiting you.

So, trust me, I have your back, and I know how to get you there. 


  • Growth 

Einstein said, “When we stop learning we start dying” and the same applies to our emotional and spiritual intelligence. We need to constantly feed our mind and soul, to maintain their health.  Mastering one’s magnificence takes practice and commitment to growth.


  • Fun

We also believe that life is meant to be fun, joyous, and easy.  And I am the first to have a laugh at myself. All we need to do is surrender ourselves to our true self, allowing happiness to flow, and allowing our heart to embrace gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon us.  Because there is so much awaiting us if we are ready to receive - and that’s no laughing matter.


Are you ready?

If any of the above resonates with you then you are in the right place. 

Check out the <Courses Page> and let’s discover a whole new world - together.  Access my life-changing courses now to unlock the endless, unconditional love, and abundance.




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